How to Know if a Volunteer is Active

Modified on Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 10:57 AM

Heads up! This article is intended for site managers. If you're a program facilitator looking for more information about how to review your programs, click here!

We know how integral volunteer engagement is in meeting your organization's goals. You can always check to see how active volunteers are on your site! To see how active a user is on your site, you can use your User Filter, Reports, or review a user's profile!

So you know: When we say a volunteer's status is "active" it means that they can access your site—it doesn't necessarily mean that they're actively using the site. 

How can I know if a volunteer is active? 

Your User Filter can help you find the information you need about volunteers and their activity on your site! You can find data about when they last logged in, how many opportunities they've responded to, and what their current account status is. 

To access your User Filter: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users from your dashboard.

2. Click the User Filter button above the table that displays user information. 3. This opens up the filter for you to start making your selections!

Using the User Filter

Here we've listed a few filters you can use to determine a user's activity on your site! Want more information about your User Filter? Click here

Check their Date Last Logged In

You can check user activity with specific filters from the Users area of your site with the User Filter!

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users from your site manager dashboard. 

2. Click User Filter

3. From the dropdown for Select a Filter, select User Data4. In the Select an Option dropdown, select Date Last Logged In5. Select when the filter should apply—after, before, or on. 6. Choose a date to apply the filter to with the calendar. 7. Click Submit to see that information. ✏️ Quick tip: If a volunteer hasn't logged on in a while, consider sending them a friendly email with available opportunities that match their skills and interests! 

Check their User Opportunity Response

Another great filter for checking user activity is User Opportunity Response. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Click User Filter

3. From the dropdown for Select a Filter, select Volunteer4. In the Select an Option dropdown, select User Opportunity Response.5. You can search how many responses by selecting greater than, is equal to, or less than and setting a specific number for those parameters. 6. Click Submit to see that information. 

✏️ Quick tip: If you want a more detailed view of specific opportunity responses: 

  • In the Select an Option dropdown, select Opportunity Response
  • Choose either has responded to or on wait list for
  • Select the Opportunity you want to view that data for and click Submit 

See their User Status

If you want to see a user's status and the last time they updated their profile, then User Status is a great filter for it! Remember, an active status doesn't necessarily mean that the volunteer is actively using your site. If their status is active, it just means that they can access your site. You can see a bit more information about their activity level by reviewing their responses, schedule, etc. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Click User Filter

3. From the dropdown for Select a Filter, select User Data

4. In the Select an Option dropdown, select User Status5. Choose either is or is not and then select active, imported, inactive, or pending

6. Click Submit to see that information. 

 So you know: You can also check when a user last updated their account. 

  • In the Select an Option dropdown, select Date Updated
  • Choose after, before, or on and select a date with the calendar. 
  • Click Submit to see that information. 
    • This shows you when their account was created, when it was last updated, and their current status. 

Reviewing reports

The Reports area of your site is another great place to see how active volunteers are. There you can see which programs and opportunities they're contributing the most of their time. 

To get to these reports: 

1. Go to Reports from your main menu bar. 2. Select the report you wish to view from the list. 3. Fill in any date range fields as applicable.

So you know: You can export any of these reports to a CSV file for tracking and reporting purposes! 

Hours reports

These reports are great for viewing volunteer hours: 

Volunteer Hours LoggedHere, you can see information about the user, opportunity, program, hours submitted, and status. 
Volunteer Hours SummaryThis report shows you data about users, their status, and how many hours they've submitted. 
Data Explorer—HoursThis report gives you a breakdown of when a user submitted an hour. 
Shift Attendance This shows you when a volunteer checked in and out for an opportunity, the number of hours worked, and information about the program and opportunity. 

User activity reports

These reports are great for viewing volunteer response and activity data: 

Data Explorer—ResponseThis is great for seeing who responded to what opportunity and when. It also shows the user's current status. 
Repeat Volunteerism User ListDo you want to see who has volunteered more than once with your organization? This report shows you who volunteered for a specific opportunity and when they responded to it. 
Top 50 VolunteersThis report is great for seeing who your most active volunteers are so you can celebrate their accomplishments and contributions! 

Reviewing a user profile

A user might show as pending if they haven't completed all of their profile information. Depending on how you have your site set up, they may need to complete a prerequisite or answer questions to complete their profile before their status becomes active. 

Check a user's profile

To check a user's profile: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Click the user's name from the table or select the pencil icon under Options to edit them. 

3. Review their profile information to ensure all necessary fields are complete. 

4. Select Prerequisites to review their completed or incomplete prerequisites. 

Assume a user's identity 

To assume a user's identity or role: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Select the arrow under Options that says Assume the Identity of This User when you hover over it. 3. Review their profile from the volunteer's perspective. 

So you know: You can also assume the user's identity on the Edit User page. 

  • Click the user's name from the table that you want to assume the identity of. 
  • On the Edit User page, click Assume User beside their name.