Viewing and Editing Volunteer Information

Modified on Tue, 01 Aug 2023 at 09:18 AM

Heads up! This article is intended for site managers. If you're a program facilitator looking for more information about how to review your programs, click here!  

Do you want to see how your volunteers respond to registration questions? Would you like to know where you can update a volunteer's password? Do you need to deactivate a volunteer's account? You can do all of this and more from the Users area of your site! In this article, we cover: 

Where do I manage volunteer information? 

To view or edit volunteer information, navigate to Volunteerism > Users from your site manager panel: 

  • From here, you can click on a user that's listed in the table on the Manage Users page to open the Edit User page: 

How to view registration question responses

You can review how volunteers respond to registration questions from the Edit User page.

  • Scroll to Basic Information. 
    • Under the volunteer's address are the registration questions that you included in your User Registration setup and the volunteer's responses to them: 

  • From this page, you can also see what skills the volunteer checked during registration—if you included those in the User Registration setup—and what their availability is. 

How to update a volunteer's password

Volunteers can request a password reset from the login screen; however, you can also update their password when applicable! 

  • You can update a volunteer's password on the Edit User page after you select the volunteer from Volunteerism > Users > Manage Users
  • Under Basic Info, you'll see Change Password

  • Be sure to hover over the red question mark for password requirements: 

  • Click Update Password to save your changes. 

So you know: Need to reset passwords for multiple users? You can also do a bulk reset for passwords with the User Filter! Click here for more information. 

✏️ Quick tip: Did a volunteer forget their password but want to request a reset themselves? No problem! You can share this resource with them to help them get started! 

  • You can also share this one with them so they know how to update their password anytime once they're logged back into their account! 

What else can I see from this area? 

From the Users > Manage Users area of your site you can also: 

  • Filter users with the User Filter

  • Export User information to a CSV. 

  • Assume a volunteer's identity as necessary. 
    • There are two ways to assume a volunteer's identity: 
      • You can click the icon under Options in the table from the Manage Users page or click the Assume User button from the Edit User page: 

 So you know: This feature is great if you want to submit hours on behalf of a volunteer or to help update information on their profile. 

What can I do from the Edit User's area? 

Once you click on a volunteer from the Manage Users page, it opens the Edit User page where you can review or update the volunteers: 

  • Basic Information: Here, you can update their profile information, reset their password, or review their answers to registration questions, etc. 
  • Prerequisites: This displays their prerequisite statuses, including any waivers they signed. 
  • Benchmarks: This shows any benchmarks they've received. 
  • Programs: If they've fanned any programs or are assigned as a program facilitator, then those are displayed here. 
  • Teams: You can see if the volunteer is part of a team and what program and opportunity the team participated in. 
  • User Groups: This shows if they're a member of a User Group on your site. 
  • Opportunities: This displays what opportunities they've responded to—including shift information and status, etc. 
  • Schedule: This shows you a calendar view of any shifts or opportunities the volunteer is scheduled for. 
    • You can also schedule them for an opportunity by clicking the blue Schedule button above the calendar. 
  • Hours: This is where you can review or add volunteer hours for them. 
  • Files: Want to upload important documents to a user's profile? Maybe you want to keep a record of their onboarding documentation, keep volunteer performance reviews, or share personalized training. Whatever the case may be, you can do it with files! 
    • Files can be set to private. When a file is marked as private, the volunteer won't see it on their profile and it must be shared via a shareable link. 
    • Public files can be viewed by anyone with access to the user's profile, including the user. 
  • Notes: Want to add notes to a user's profile that only you and other site managers can see? Use this tab to store those notes for quick access. 
    • You can also edit or delete those notes here.

How do I deactivate a volunteer's account? 

To deactivate a volunteer's account, scroll to the bottom of Edit User > Basic Info until you see Deactivate User and click the red Deactivate User button. 

  • When you click it, a warning pops up to confirm that you want to deactivate the user's account. 
    • Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. 
    • They'll have the option to anonymize their account when their account is deactivated.