How to Manage Waitlists as a Site Manager

Modified on Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 4:53 PM

Heads up! This article is intended for site managers. If you're a program facilitator looking for more information about how to review your programs, click here! 

When you enable waitlists for full volunteer Opportunities, volunteers can add and remove themselves from them at any time. As a site manager, you can manage the waitlists whenever too. There are a few ways you can access and manage your waitlists. Here we cover: 

So you knowSome sites have language overrides in place. This means you may see Opportunities in place of Needs, Programs in place of Agencies, or Prerequisites in place of Qualifications. Please contact us to request language overrides for your site!   

How to access waitlists

There are a couple of ways you can access waitlists: 

Opportunities area

You can access and manage waitlists for individual Opportunities from the Opportunities area of your site. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the Opportunity title on the Manage Opportunities page. 

3. Scroll until you see Waitlist

  • From here, you can see: 
    • Who's on the waitlist
    • When they were added to the waitlist 
    • The shift they're waitlisted for 
    • The number of open spots, if any

How to manage an Opportunity's waitlist

When a spot opens up for an Opportunity, you can then move volunteers off a waitlist. This option is only available if an open spot is available. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the Opportunity title on the Manage Opportunities page. 

3. Scroll until you see Waitlist.

4. If a spot opens up for an Opportunity, then you can click the (+) under the Options column to move a volunteer off the waitlist. 

  • This adds a response for that volunteer to that Opportunity. 
  • The (+) is only displayed when an open spot becomes available for that Opportunity. 

So you know: You can accomplish a few other tasks here as well. 

  • You can remove a volunteer from a waitlist by clicking the (X) under the Options column. 

  • Want to email the volunteer? Click their email address and an email window pops up! 

  • Want to review the volunteer's profile for availability, etc.? Just click their name to be taken to their profile page. 

  • Want to export the waitlist? Click the Export button to download it to a CSV.

Scheduling area

You can also access waitlists through the Scheduling area. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Scheduling

2. Under the Shifts tab, click View More on a day with scheduled Opportunities.  

3. Click Options > View available volunteers for the Opportunity you want to see a waitlist for. 

4. Scroll until you see Waitlist

5. If a spot opens up for an Opportunity, then you can click the (+) under the Options column to move a volunteer off the waitlist. 

  • This adds a response for that volunteer to that Opportunity. 
  • The (+) is only displayed when an open spot becomes available for that Opportunity. 

So you knowYou can accomplish a few other tasks here as well. 

  • You can remove a volunteer from a waitlist by clicking the (X) under the Options column. 

  • Want to email the volunteer? Click their email address and an email window pops up! 

  • Want to review the volunteer's profile for availability, etc.? Just click their name to be taken to their profile page.

  • Want to export the waitlist? Click the Export button to download it to a CSV. 

The user filter

You can also see who's on a waitlist through the User Filter. This is a good option when wanting to scheduling volunteers on a waitlist in bulk. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Select the User Filter

3. Apply the following filter options: Volunteer > Opportunity Response > on waitlist for > [Opportunity title]

4. Click Submit

  • This filters your user's list to only those volunteers on that waitlist.