Using Donations With or Without Stripe

Modified on Wed, 29 Nov 2023 at 02:45 PM

Heads up! This article is intended for site managers. If you're a program facilitator looking for more information about how to review your programs, click here! 

If your organization wants to collect donations through your site, you can with a Stripe account! However, you can share other ways for volunteers to donate on your site without it. In this article, we'll cover: 

So you know: Stripe charges a flat rate of 2.9% plus 30¢ for each successful card charge. Galaxy Digital doesn't receive a percentage of the donations made through your site.

Setting up donations with Stripe

If you'd like for volunteers to donate directly through your site, you'll need to have a Stripe account. Be sure to copy down your API keys from your Stripe account before you get started—including your Publishable Key and your Secret Key. These are found on the API keys page of your Stripe account dashboard. 

  • When you set up donations with Stripe on your site, volunteers see a Donate button on the utility bar: 

1. Go to Settings > Integrations.

2. Paste your Publishable Key and Secret Key into their fields. 

3. You can customize the Introduction and Thank-you messages however you'd like. 

4. Remember to click Submit Changes

Setting up donations without Stripe

It's okay if you don't have a Stripe account! There are other ways for you to collect donations on your site. You can: 

  • Add a link in your Image Rotator
  • Create a Custom Page that includes additional information about how you collect donations, links to the donation software of your choice, and where the proceeds go. 
    • Custom pages can also be linked in spotlights and the image rotator. 

So you know: The Donate button won't appear on the site unless you set up donations through Stripe.