Make a User a Program Facilitator

Modified on Mon, 31 Jul 2023 at 09:21 AM

Heads up! This article is intended for site managers. If you're a program facilitator looking for more information about how to review your programs, click here

You might find you want to assign a few program facilitators to help oversee opportunities for your programs. Maybe you want to assign your volunteer coordinator as the program facilitator, or your front desk receptionist. This can be anyone that helps with your volunteers! The program facilitator can: 

  • Review who's volunteering when, available opportunities, volunteer hours, and volunteer prerequisites 
  • Export data for reporting
  • Monitor the Check-in Kiosk

How to make a user a program facilitator

To change a user's role to program facilitator: 

1. Navigate to Volunteerism from the left-hand side of your site manager dashboard.

2. Click Users

3. From here you can select a user's name in the table or click on the pencil under the Options column to edit their user type. From this page, you can also add a new user or search for a user too:

4. After you click on their name or the pencil, it opens the Edit User page. Scroll down to User Type under Basic Information and select Program Facilitator from the dropdown.

5. Be sure to scroll down and click the Update Basic Information button to save your changes: 

  • Here's a video that walks you through these steps!