Set Up User Registration for Volunteers

Modified on Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 3:34 PM

Heads up! This article is intended for site managers. If you're a program facilitator looking for more information about how to review your programs, click here!

When setting up your user registration, you'll want to consider what steps volunteers should take during the registration process. These settings can help match volunteers to opportunities they're interested in and help you filter volunteers when sending future communications or reviewing reports, etc. In this article, we'll cover: 

What steps do you want for registration? 

Consider what information you'd like to collect from volunteers as they register on your site. This will help you decide which steps to include in your user registration process! For example: 

  • Do you want volunteers to answer a few custom questions? 
    • These custom questions can be used to collect important information about your volunteers or you can use them to ask if the volunteer read your privacy policy at signup, etc. 
  • Would you like for volunteers to pick skills that interest them? 
    • This can help match them to opportunities that align with their skills! 
      • It's also helpful if you need to filter your volunteers by skills with the User Filter. 
  • You can also establish prerequisites that volunteers must respond to and qualify for upon registration. 
    • This is an additional step to ensure that the volunteers registering on your site meet the minimum requirements you've set.

Note: You can always come back and adjust these settings whenever you want! 

How to setup user registration

To setup user registration, navigate to Settings > User Registration from your site manager panel: 

  • This opens the User Registration area of your site where you can establish the steps volunteers take during registration to your site!

  • Do you want to restrict registration to certain email domains? 
    • Include those email domains here! Be sure to separate each domain with a comma. 
      • When you restrict registration to certain email domains, then only users with those email domains will be able to register and access your site. 
  • If you'd like volunteers to have restricted access to the site until they answer your registration questions, toggle the button to On

  • You can include steps by toggling their corresponding buttons to On or remove them by toggling them Off
    • When you toggle Custom Questions, Skills, or Prerequisites to On, then volunteers are asked to complete each of those steps upon registering with your site. 
  • We've included some default standard questions that you can select from. 

  • Show: This means a field for that information shows on the registration form for volunteers to fill in. 
  • Profile: This means the field for that information is available on the user's profile. 
  • Require: Check this if you want volunteers to be required to answer that information during registration. 

  • You can create your own custom registration questions to collect the information you need on your volunteers! 

How to add a custom registration question

To create your own custom registration questions, click Add Registration Question

  • This opens a window where you can set up your own custom question: 

  • There are five question types to choose from: 

  • For dropdown, be sure to separate each possible answer on its own line under Options

  • If you want to require the question during registration, toggle the button beside Require to On. 
    • You can always check Require from the Custom Question table too. 

✏️ Quick tip: Be sure to always click the Save or Update buttons to save your changes!