Volunteer Engagement

Posted over 1 year ago by Vicki DeLair

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Vicki DeLair

We've been using this format for the last few months and doing everything we can to get our volunteers to engage with it, but it's just not happening. We (admins) are doing most of the logging of their hours, signing them up for shifts, moving things around, etc. They are just very unhappy with it. 

We were using signup genius before and they miss the ease of seeing each shift lined up when they open the page, they get frustrated that they cant see who they are serving with when they are signing up, and miss the name tags we used to be able to print when they sign in for their shifts. What can I do to fix this? Did we set this up wrong? Am I missing something? I don't want to cancel our agreement, but it's not helpful if our people wont use it and it's creating much more work for us. 

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Beth Ashton posted over 1 year ago Admin

Hi Vicki, 

Thank you for reaching out to share your experience with the Sustain site and the challenges that have come up when introducing the site to your community. I know you have had some contact with our customer experience team through support tickets but I want to make sure I'm providing information and resources for the items you've identified here as well. Changing to a new system of any kind can be a big transition and it sounds like your volunteers miss some of the things they were accustomed in SignUp Genius. I've included information below with resources that I hope will assist you in getting closer your goals around volunteer engagement and their experience with the site!

There is a report called Badges/Name Tags and when exported, will create a spreadsheet that can be read and printed from most label printers. The report creates this information from the shift/s responses for selected days. To find this report, click on Reports from your site manager area, and under Standard Reports select the Users section to expand, then click on Name tags/Badges for Printing to access the report. Within the report, make sure to adjust the date range to include all applicable shifts, click GO, and then click Export Spreadsheet once the list is updated.

Encouraging volunteers with existing user accounts on the Sustain site to use the CauseConnect app could help reduce barriers to usage and show them that there are quick ways to engage with the new system, whether it is viewing and responding to opportunities, checking in, or tracking hours. This is an excellent resource written from the volunteer perspective that can help share information with on the app with volunteers and get to know what their experience will be like.

For the volunteer view of opportunities when a user logs in, under Settings > Main > Volunteers, you can update the User Landing Page field to Opportunity Lisand select the list or grid option as the Default User View to see if this presents a view that is a better fit for the volunteers. You can try out different views to see which one folks like the most!

In regards to volunteers knowing who else is signed up for a shift, with workflow and privacy needs of organizations that vary across users of our Sustain sites, there is not a way for volunteers to see others who are serving with them. If this is information you'd like to share with your volunteers in advance of their shift, under Reports > User > Today's Shifts, a date range can be selected to view upcoming opportunities and when the number under the Responses column is clicked, the names of the volunteers signed up will appear. You can export this information in a csv file, or even take a screenshot, and then share it with the attendees by leveraging the user filter within the email blast to send a message to select volunteers.

This resource has information and templates that can be used to promote the site to get volunteers excited and engaged. With folks already introduced to your site, all of this information may not be as relevant but I wanted to share it in hopes that it can bring some additional value to your efforts in addressing some of the barriers to site use and volunteer experience.

Thank you for reaching out, we always want to provide our clients with the best support we can to help them move closer to their goals within the site! Please feel free to send a ticket in to us at support@galaxydigital.com if we can assist further or help work through additional challenges. We are here to help!



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