Volunteer Hours Logged—Source Column Explained

Modified on Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 11:01 AM

Heads up! This article is intended for site managers. If you're a program facilitator looking for more information about how to review your programs, click here!

The Source column in the Volunteer Hours Logged report tells you how the hours were logged and who logged them. 

To get to this report: 

1. Go to Reports from your top menu bar. 

2. Select Opportunities > Volunteer Hours Logged

3. Review the Source column in the Volunteer Hours Report table. 

  • If Volunteer Check-in was used, "Added at" indicates check-in data, while "Updated at" indicates check-out data. 
    • If check-in wasn't used, "Added at" indicates how the volunteer logged their hours and "Updated at" can refer to when an agency manger approved the hours. 
  • Also displayed is the tool used to check in or out and the account from which the check-in or check-out occurred.

Here are examples of the types of entries you may see, and what they typically mean:

checkin shift id 1176640
Volunteer used the check-in tool and was checked in or out to shift ID 1176640
Added at: /user/hours by Ruthie Rogers
The volunteer, Ruthie Rogers, added her hours manually—not via check-in
Added at: /home/checkin by Ruthie Rogers
The volunteer used the self check-in tool and her hours were logged automatically
Added at: /agency/checkinIndividual by Beau Baxley
The agency manager, Beau Baxley, checked the volunteer in using the "individual" option from the Agency's check-in tool
Added at: /agency/checkin/List by Beau Baxley
The agency manager checked the volunteer in using the "List" option from the Agency's check-in tool
Updated at: /home/checkin by Ruthie Rogers
The volunteer used the self check-out tool and her hours were logged based on her check-out time
Updated at: /agency/mgrAjaxUpdateHour by Beau Baxley
The agency manager approved the volunteer's hours
Updated at: /agency/checkinIndividual by Beau Baxley
The agency manager checked the volunteer out using the "Individual" option in the Agency's check-in tool
Updated at: /agency/mgrCheckedin by Beau Baxley The agency manager checked the volunteer out from the "Checked In" section of the Agency's check-in tool