Cause App-Dashboard-"Volunteer hours this month"

Posted about 1 month ago by Stephanie Kisell

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Stephanie Kisell

We would like to see the "Volunteer hours this month" have an option of being a 30 day cycle, a calendar month or to shut off completely. Our volunteers are inspired seeing their monthly hours accumulate and it encourages them to add additional service hours. Having the hours accumulate on a calendar month is more volunteer friendly for our volunteers vs the fluctuation it shows in the current format. Example: Yesterday on my Causer Dashboard my "volunteer hours this month" show 69. (it is the 5th of the month)...this morning it showed 61 and tomorrow it might show 70 depending on what I did the previous month. It is bringing a lot of confusion.  Thank you for your consideration.

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Abby Torrice

Abby Torrice posted 1 day ago Admin

Hi Stephanie, 

Thank you for reaching out! I've gone ahead and recorded this for future internal enhancement meetings with our Development team. 

We appreciate your feedback! 


Abby Torrice 

Onboarding Specialist 

Get Connected by Galaxy Digital 

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