Site Manager Application

Posted about 2 months ago by Hannah Morales

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Hannah Morales

It would be extremely helpful to site managers if the Sustain development team developed a smart phone app for site managers to be able to view and complete all or most functions needed for their volunteer site. 

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Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 27 days ago Admin

Hi Hannah,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your Forum! I have added your suggestion to our existing enhancement notes which will be reviewed by our team during one of our upcoming enhancement meetings. I will share that our app development is handled by a third-party app developer and not through our development team directly, so this idea may take some additional time if it ends up moving forward, but we'll be glad to keep you updated with any additional information that we receive if the idea does progress.

Thank you and have a great day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)

Client Onboarding Specialist

Galaxy Digital

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