Adding a Note to a Generic User when Adding to an Opportunity

Posted 3 months ago by Lenore Masciotra

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Lenore Masciotra


I would love to see the availability to add a note when I am adding an anonymous or generic user to an opportunity or any user, for that matter, to clarify pertinent info for that day. For example, I often create a generic user profile using our acronym SRM1, SRM2, etc. for groups when there is only a group leader's profile (or no group leader) and additional members of the group will be participating; or when I want to reserve a space for someone before they come on board; or there is a registered volunteer bringing a family member along; or there is a particular item I want to remember afterward when I review the calendar at a later date, etc. EXAMPLE: Provide a Dinner - Will drop off the night before - Ted to bring.  Warehouse - Main St. School to bring 10 youth to help organize hygiene items they are bringing that day.  Lunch - Sarah's daughter home from college and volunteering with her today. 

I think a great place to add this is the drop down menu under Volunteerism - Scheduling- User Responses - Click on Users Name/Generic name - and once the

drop down menu is in view, click' add note to user's name'. Or somewhere in that User Responses calendar view.

I'm open to other suggestions from you as well!

Thank you for the opportunity to submit.

Lenore Masciotra

Springfield Rescue Mission

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