Cut Off Dates and Times for Scheduled Opportunity Sign Up

Posted 4 months ago by Jillian Lucchini

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Jillian Lucchini

I would like to ask that Sustain creates a deadline option for scheduled opportunity sign ups because that is the whole point of the product so that we can schedule when people are coming in and be prepared for that. Right now, volunteers can literally sign up as they walk into the shelter and this is a huge issue as we will be clueless unless we are checking the computer 24/7 to see if someone just signed up. The issues that makes it worse is so many love using the mobile app and then they sign up but we have no record of that because we are currently NOT getting notifications for those who sign up through the mobile app. I hope you will fix it as it is causing a lot of disgruntled volunteers who look at us as if we are crazy for not knowing they are coming. Just not productive for either side. 

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Abby Torrice

Abby Torrice posted 4 months ago Admin


Hi Jillian, 

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your product suggestions with us! I have recorded your response and added it to our notes on this, as we do have other site managers who have made the same request!

Currently, there is not a way in the software to limit responses within a timeframe for shift-based opportunities. But, for now, here are some suggestions I have:

1. Make the opportunity private the night before a shift and then make it public again

2. Deleting a shift that no one has signed up for the night before

3. Editing a shift's capacity to be exactly the amount of people who have signed up the night before (I see this option used the most).

For the app, I'm sorry to hear this issue is frustrating you and your volunteers. I have touched base with Development and they let me know this is a known issue with the app and are working to fix it. I'll be sure to update this thread with any updates to either your request or the app issue! In the meantime, I can hide your organization from appearing in the mobile app if needed. This would make your site unfindable in the app, and have folks utilize the browser site. 

Just let me know if this is something you'd like to do in the meantime!


Abby Torrice 

Onboarding Specialist 

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