Enable Volunteers to check in to shifts that they didn't pre-sign up for (Site managers can toggle feature on & off)

Posted 4 months ago by Hi

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Hi there!

We would love to enable volunteers to check in & out to shifts that they had not previously signed up for. This will allow for MUCH more efficiency on our part and greater accuracy in our tracking.
I would imagine this would benefit the wider community :)

For greater specificity - I’m hoping that volunteers can check into shifts with our having to first “respond”. Is this change possible?

This will help in multiple scenarios - if a volunteer shows up and needs to quickly check in (and hadn’t first signed up). Or if a volunteer needs to check in to hours they volunteered for a shift after the fact (but had never “responded” /signed up). As a small non-profit, this is tedious for us to do for volunteers so we are really trying to make it as easy as possible for them, and for accurate tracking.

Let me know if this is possible. It seems it would reduce one step to allow more ease process for volunteers and more accurate hour tracking for us non profits. 

KJ had responded that "We have this feature available so that Opportunities do not go over their capacities and so Site Managers know who is showing up to an Opportunity the day of". That makes sense, but it also seems like a very easy thing to toggle on and off so non-profits can choose ourselves. It seems to depend on the non-profit if this is useful or not. Our past CRM allowed anyone to check in and out with out the additional step of having to sign up for the opportunity (so long as they are on the site).

Thank you!

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Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 4 months ago Admin

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your suggestion on our Forum! I'd be glad to share some information with you here. 

To start, I'd like to share that when a volunteer signs into the kiosk, they will first see a list that displays any shifts that they have previously responded to. By clicking on the "View Other Opportunities" button in the right-hand corner of this page, volunteers will be able to view and check into shifts that they have not previously responded to. The only exception to this would be if the opportunities required a prerequisite that the volunteer had not yet completed, or if the opportunities are marked as private.

When it comes to submitting hours after a shift, it is true that volunteers will have to have a response logged for that shift before that can attribute hours to it (unless they are checking in for it directly through the kiosk). While Site Managers have the ability to add a response and hours for volunteers at the same time using the "Quick Add Hours" feature, volunteers must still have a response recorded before submitting their hours on the site. 

If an enhancement to the volunteer hour submission process is something that you would like to see done on the site, please let me know and I'll be glad to pass that along to our team! If there are any other questions about the kiosk check-in process, I'll be happy to help as well.

Thank you!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)
Client Onboarding Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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