More options for gender

Posted over 1 year ago by Mary Murphy

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Mary Murphy

This suggestion is about adding a more inclusive options for the gender question for the user registration options.  Having male, female, and other is exclusive to those who don't identify within the two binary categories, and other is a form of "othering" in general.  I know I can make my own question with these responses, but it would be nice for the standard questions to have these options as well. 

Some examples to include could be: 





Prefer to self-describe: ________

Prefer not to say

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Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted over 1 year ago Admin

Hi Mary,

Thank you so much for taking the time to write in with your suggestion! I appreciate your thoughts on this. As the options that agencies wish to include here can vary between organizations, we do recommend using Custom User Registration questions to include these additional selections that you mentioned. However, I have also added your thoughts to our existing enhancement notes which will have a chance to be reviewed by our team during an upcoming enhancement meeting. I will be happy to notify you here with any updates about your suggestion moving forward. 

Thank you again and have a great day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)

Client Onboarding Specialist

Galaxy Digital

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