How to Clone an Opportunity

Modified on Fri, May 24 at 11:55 AM

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. 

Do you have an Opportunity that happens at multiple locations? Want to edit the duration from Flexible to Recurring shifts, or something else? You can always clone an Opportunity! Cloning Opportunities is one way you can make copies of Opportunities and establish different settings and rules for them. When you clone an Opportunity, you can then edit the copy to your liking without having to create a new Opportunity from scratch. Here we cover: 

Why clone an Opportunity? 

The first thing to consider is why you want to clone the Opportunity. It may be in your best interest to create a new Opportunity from scratch, depending on your "why". Cloning is a great option when: 

  • You want to copy an Opportunity's description details. 
  • You have the same Opportunity taking place at two or more different locations.
  • You love an Opportunity with scheduled shifts and don't want to assign shifts again.
    • You can clone it and assign a different duration type!

These are just a few examples of why you may want to consider cloning an Opportunity. You may prefer creating new Opportunities—which is also great! But when it comes to copying over very detailed Opportunities and changing duration types, cloning is often the best option. 

How to clone Opportunities 

To get started:

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the existing Opportunity you wish to clone. 

3. Scroll until you see the red Deactivate Opportunity button. 

4. Click Clone Opportunity

  • A warning pops up asking you to confirm your selection—click Yes to start editing the copy or click No to cancel. 

5. On the Create Opportunity page, you can edit the copy however you see fit! 

  • We recommend removing the (copy) from the title of the new Opportunity and giving it a unique title. 
    • For example, if you have an Opportunity that occurs at multiple locations, you can name it by location: Serve Breakfast to Students—Eastside. 

6. Once you're done editing the copy, click Create Opportunity to finish. 

So you know: The following are copied over when you clone an Opportunity: 

  • The title with (copy) on the end
  • The description
  • The program
  • The assigned qualifications 
  • Location information
  • Skills & Abilities
  • Clickwrap waivers—if applicable

While these are copied over, you can make any necessary changes to these settings as applicable.