Email notification when new volunteer registers

Posted 2 months ago by Lenore Masciotra

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Lenore Masciotra

Good Afternoon,

 Is there a way to link the Site Manager's work email when someone registers as a new volunteer in getconnected/sustain? When I begin my work day, I do open my getconnected webpage, but also my work email, and if there was an email in my inbox stating 'New User Registered' from getocnnected or something to that effect, I would know to go to my Manger site to view the new volunteer and get things rolling.

Thank you!

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Abby Torrice

Abby Torrice posted about 1 month ago Admin


Thank you for adding this to the product suggestion forum! We have been hesitant to create an automated notification for new users out of concern for the volume of notifications that may come through. However, I understand how this could be beneficial to you. I have gone ahead and recorded this as a product suggestion for future internal Enhancement discussions.

In the meantime, I have two suggestions:

1. A site manager is notified when a prerequisite is completed by a volunteer and pending (if the qualification doesn't auto approve) via the Notice of Pending Items notification. Adding a qualification to registration would alert the site manager that there is a new volunteer based on the prerequisite they complete and it's pending status. If you would like to discuss how to implement this more please feel free to reach out to 

2. Use the  "User Filter" to filter for volunteers who joined the site after a certain date - this is a great way to find new volunteers from the last week, month, etc.! This may help simplify your review of your user list and target those folks who are new to your site!

Again, thank you for adding this to the forum! 


Abby T. 

Onboarding Specialist 

Get Connected By Galaxy Digital

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Volunteer posted about 1 month ago

I was just about to type the same question.  This would be so helpful!

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